Saint of the Day |

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Fishers of Men

Here is the Video Fr. Matt showed us.

Buy a Net

Buy-a-net made a wonderful presentation at the conference.

Here is the video we watch at the conference.

CWL Speaker

Elizabeth Wong was one of the key note speakers at the Convention.

Here is the video of her presentation at the Eucharistic Congress.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Three Great Canadian Margarets!!

I you like thinking try some of the last Massey Lectures. Strangely I like the ones by Margaret...

Listen to Margaret Atwood's 2008 Massey Lecture, Pay Back: Debit and the Shadow Side of Wealth

The Ethical Imgination, Margaret Somerville's 2006 CBC Massey Lectures

Beyond Fate, Margaret Visser's 2002 CBC Massey Lectures

Dawkins Delusion

Mild mannered Alister McGrath takes Dawkins head on.

See his interview on the Hour

Zeitgiest the Movie

I love the review from CBC Radio Host Jesse Brown broadcast an audio essay on the movie summarizing the movie with:

"It's the same old paranoid jazz, but Zeitgeist, The Movie weaves it all together really skilfully."

Saturday 11 April 2009


Was Jesus a real person?

Back Ground article for my Easter Homily. I hope to reflect on the reality of the Resurrection.