Saint of the Day |

Thursday 27 June 2013

Fr. Murray and I contemplate the church while BBQ ing at the North American College.

Friday 21 June 2013

Most Dangerous Horse Race in the World

Wow! It will be crazy to be in Siena for the Palio this August 15th. Each parish (or even chapel) competes against the other. It make parish softball seem laid back. Notice that the horse is blessed right in the church before it goes off to win. I hope our part of town wins this year!

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Suite E or Sweetie

While I am off in Rome the Seminary has provided me with a room at St. Peter's Seminary in London, ON.
I will be staying here when I return for my vacation at Christmas and next summer.  It is good to have a centre of operations while I am away.