Saint of the Day |

Thursday 28 July 2011

Wednesday 13 July 2011

From Your Pastor:

Greetings from Camp!! Write this from Catholic Christian Leadership Camp just outside beautiful Parkhill. I am glad to report that no small children have been carried of by the bugs despite their size and number. I seem to have to have distracted the bugs with my large priestly head.
We have 120 campers out here learning that God has called us all to leadership. The senior campers have clearly shown that they are using all that God gave them by reaching out and serving the younger grades.
We have 26 volunteers out here including a chef and a registered nurse. We are well taken care and I have enjoyed watching this camp grow over the years. I am glad to be able to be part of this.
Next week my family and I go up north to a lodge. It is our yearly gift to each other. I hope everyone has opportunities to be recreated in God's love.
Fr. Peter Keller

St. Michael's & Sacred Heart Faith Community

Saturday 9 July 2011

Sacred Heart 60th

The Catholic Women's League Celebrate their 60th Anniversary.
Here are all the past presidents.

Friday 8 July 2011

The prefect Yukon Song!!!

God bless the internet!! The prefect song for Fr. Matt. German celtic music meets Calvin and Hobbies in the Yukon Song. The Beatlesons - Yeah!!

North to Alaska!! No the Yukon

Fr. Matt George is off to the Yukon. Here is a little traveling song!! Yah I know it is about Alaska but Fr. Matt has not written the classic Yukon Song YET.

The Church and New Media