Saint of the Day |

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Mary the Dawn

Mary the dawn, Christ the Perfect Day;
Mary the gate, Christ the Heavenly Way!
Mary the root, Christ the Mystic Vine;
Mary the grace, Christ the Sacred Wine!
Mary the wheat, Christ the Living Bread;
Mary the stem, Christ the Rose blood-red!
Mary the font, Christ the Cleansing Flood;
Mary the cup, Christ the Saving Blood!
Mary the temple, Christ the temple's Lord;
Mary the shrine, Christ the God adored!
Mary the beacon, Christ the Haven's Rest;
Mary the mirror, Christ the Vision Blest!
Mary the mother, Christ the mother's Son
By all things blest while endless ages run.

"Mary the Dawn" Words: anonymous poet; The poem now exists in its edited form by the Dominican Sisters of Summit (1972).

Fr. Peter Keller
St. Peter Seminary
1040 Waterloo St.
London, ON N6A 3Y1

Ubi amor, ibi oculus - Where there is love, there is insight