Saint of the Day |

Sunday 18 December 2011

Thursday 15 December 2011

From your most thankful pastor

The fundamental gift of Christmas is the gift of Christ's presence himself. It encourages us to enter into God's life giving grace by sharing the gift of ourselves in our time, treasures and our talents. I am overwhelmed by the countless hours, resources and talents giving freely by our parishioners to make things come alive over this last year.
There are so many groups that do good work but two have stood out this last year. Firstly, Anna Maria's many helpers have really helped to make Sacred Heart parish shine. The past building committee and volunteers have shared their time and talents to fix up the back yard, the upstairs rooms and the meeting rooms. On her behalf and on behalf of the parish I would like to thank all of you.
The second great gift of self that has stood out is the Arise: Together in Christ groups. I would like to thank the steering committee and all the group leaders who made these group possible. It is wonderful to share the gift of self.
Fr. Peter Keller

St. Michael's & Sacred Heart Faith Community

Thursday 1 December 2011


It's not easy

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a difficult one for most of us. We need think no further than the story of Adam and Eve in the garden. Rather than admit wrongdoing, it was so much easier for them to put the blame somewhere else. We can feel too, that God loves us more when we're doing good. We can even try to make ourselves believe God doesn't know about our wrongdoing.

God loves you

God love us! God knows what the challenges of human life are all about. We can think about the story of the Prodigal Son, the great insult and hurt the son inflicted on the father, and how the father welcomed him back, without even waiting for an apology. I've had occasion to meet many people who were hurt very badly by family members and friends. When I ask the question, "Would you ever be able to forgive them?" the answer is usually, "Yes." If we as humans can be so forgiving, how much more is God willing to forgive us!

God waits

He waits for our return. "But I haven't been to Confession for fifty years!" The response is simply ... "Welcome back! How good it is that you are here!"

All Day Confessions - December 21st

Sacred Heart      9:00 am - 3:30 pm             (11:30 am to 12:30 pm lunch)
St. Michael          4:30 pm - 9:00 pm            (6:30 pm to 7:00 pm Mass)

Weekly Saturday Confessions

Sacred Heart      11:00 am – 12:00 pm

St. Michael          4:00 pm – 4:45 pm

Thursday 24 November 2011

From you pastor

On this weekend where we welcome the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal I defer my comments to great minds and draw from the word of the rector of our Cathedral.

Posture and Gestures
Throughout our liturgy there are postures and gestures we hold in common. Using the same postures and gestures strengthens our unity and reflects an attitude of ecclesial solidarity. Together we celebrate the Church's liturgy.
In the revised General Instruction of the Roman Missal, we are given directives regarding posture and gestures to keep consistent this desire of unity. Some of the directives remain unchanged, among them, standing from the beginning of the entrance procession until after the Opening Prayer, sitting during the readings, standing during the Gospel, kneeling from the Holy, Holy until the end of the Eucharistic Prayer, kneeling after the Lamb of God.
New postures will be in place during the Preparation of the Altar and the Communion Procession. During the preparation of the altar we will sit while the collection is taken up and brought to the altar with the bread and wine. After the priest washes his hands we will stand readying ourselves to offer our prayer to God. The ritual gesture of standing is a treasured position in the Church's prayer and is the desired posture when we offer prayer to God, receive God's word proclaimed in the Gospel, and a sign of great reverence as we process to Communion.
During the Communion Procession, the instruction requires that a simple bow of the head be made as we approach the communion elements of the Lord's Body and Blood. The bow shows our reverence and gratitude for the gift of the Body and Blood of Christ. The communion procession will need to slow down: as the person ahead of you moves away from the communion minister, then make the bow of your head towards the consecrated host or wine. The communion minister will wait until you raise your head before saying "the Body of Christ" or "the Blood of Christ". Your spoken response of "Amen" signifies your belief in the divine presence and the unity of the communal body. No further gesture such as a genuflection or sign of the cross is required after receiving communion.
In the Dioceses of Canada, Holy Communion is to be received standing. Some individuals may still choose to receive Communion while kneeling. Communion may be received in the hand or on the tongue. No posture or way of receiving Communion is to be considered a better, holier or more reverential way than the other.
Our bishop asks us to remain standing until all of the faithful have received communion. After this both priest and people alike are encouraged to enter into a prolong period of silent prayer where we either kneel or sit.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

From Your Pastor

Joanna Giresi decision to leave youth ministry at the end of the year is one that has been in the works for some time. I thank for Joanna the great care and discernment that went into making her decision. During the 2010-2011 school year, Joanna shifted from her role as solely a youth minister at Sacred Heart to helping provide sacramental preparation for both parishes. I do not know how we cold have made the transition without Joanna.
For the past ten years Joanna has been a formative and direct influence in many young peoples lives. We can not even begin to imagine how she will be missed. I am greatful that Joanna has agreed to form and guide our Youth Commission as we begin to plan for the future. The Pastoral Council Survey listed "Youth Needs" at the top of the list and the Youth Commission will be instrumental in guide us in the Comprehensive Youth Ministry Model as laid out by the association of youth ministers in Canada.
We are commited to youth ministry yet I know we will never be able to replace Joanna. It is my hope that through Youth Commission, we can all take up the challenge to minister to, for and with our youth.

Fr. Peter Keller
St. Michaels & Sacred Heart
(519) 344-2992 ext 23

Ubi amor, ibi oculus - Where there is love, there is insight

Thursday 3 November 2011

From Your Pastor

Next week I will be on retreat at the Capuchin Retreat Center in Washington, Michigan.  I look forward to my retreat every year.  It is a week of silence and prayer.  One of my main projects while on retreat will be to pray over the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal.

While the changes the changes for the congregation have been few; the flow and rhythm of how the priest prays is changing fundamentally.  On the weekend of November 19 and 20 will we decommission the 2nd edition To make ready for the 3rd edition’s exclusive use on the First Weekend of Advent.  You are learning your parts well and I realize there is always frustration with change. 

                The current translation was promised in the 70’s has been in the works since 1985.  In 2000 and 2001 clear guidelines for the translation was formed and since then tens of thousands of people have been consulted to bring about this translation.

It took nearly 4 years to introduce the first English translation in the early 70’s causing much confusion.  The changes made in this edition are clear and well thought out.  I see the bishop’s wisdom in introducing the changes slowly.  It can allow us to appreciate each change better so that we can celebrate using one text connect to the one text for all the English-speak Catholics beginning in Advent.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Test Image


Fr. Peter Keller

St. Michaels & Sacred Heart

(519) 344-2992

Note:  My e-mail is changed to

Ubi amor, ibi oculus - Where there is love, there is insight

Thursday 27 October 2011

From Your Pastor

I am happy to announce three new members of Sacred Heart Building Committee. Frank Vozza, Pat Vozza and Leo McElhone join Pat Hobin and Onorio Vozza on the building Committee. Den Shannon and Charlie Oxley have stepped down from the building committee. They were originally part of the parishes building and finance committee. They kept this place going for many years; even doing many maintenance jobs themselves. I want to thank them for their years of service and I am happy to hear that they will be available to share with us their vast years of experience.

Thank you Den and Charlie!

Fr. Peter Keller

Fr. Peter Keller
St. Michaels & Sacred Heart
(519) 344-2992 ext 23

Ubi amor, ibi oculus - Where there is love, there is insight

Friday 21 October 2011

From Your Pastor

Our sacramental programs are all off and running to much success. This weekend a bus load of Confirmation students headed down to Chattham to learn more about their faith. I has given great joy to have met with all our sacramental families discussing their faith life. I am always overwhelmed how busy people are and concerned that the important but not urgent needs of faith and family life can get pushed to the side.
The same thing can happen with our parish family. We can busy doing the urgent things but forget the important things. Pastoral Planning is a way of seeing what is truly important in the midst of a busy parish. Our Parish Pastoral Council is finishing drafting some goals based on the survey we took earlier.
Our three draft goals are:
1) To form a Youth Commission which will evaluate, initiate and sustain comprehensive youth ministry in our cluster. To that end training for our Youth Commission is set for Oct 28 and 29. Joanna Giresi has been put in charge of form this Commission.
2) To initiate a faith enrichment program. Arise: Together in Christ is off and running with 25 groups. Faith enrichment for individuals is coming with Lighthouse CD's soon available at the back of the church.
3) To engage parents bringing their children to baptism and other Sacraments. We have begun Children's Liturgy at all Sunday masses so that we can continue to invite our families to celebrate with us. We hope to create environment were parents and children can learn together the grace and beauty of our faith. All the families bring their children to Eucharist and Confirmation have been engaged to evaluate their faith with Strong Catholic Families; Strong Catholic Youth.
These three Goals will continue to be formalised but in their draft form they have already helped remind us of the things that are important in the great work of God.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

From Your Pastor

Last week we distributed the financial statements for our two parishes. And yes... both parishes ran a deficit for the first six months of this year but I don't think that tells the whole story. There are various kinds of riches that are cultivated in our parishes. Arise is a wonderful gift, our sacramental programs are on a firm footing and we continue to evaluate our building and budget needs.
I look forward to the direction of the Pastoral Council, the Youth Commission and the pastoral plan which they will create for us. This input is essential to create our budget and personnel plan. I know this will help us not only bring our operations back into the black financially but reap the spiritual benefits of our community.
Fr. Peter Keller

St. Michael's & Sacred Heart Faith Community

Wednesday 5 October 2011

From Your Pastor

We are finishing up our interviews with the candidates for
confirmation and their families. We have more than 80 young people
registered but more fulfilling is that each family is responding to the
call to create a family plan for themselves. It is important to actually
take stock of where we are and go beyond our good intention and put our
faith into action. At thanksgiving we give thanks to God so that we
many deepen our relationship with God. In the end it is our
relationship and particularily our relationship with God that hold and
sustains us. Long after all the gifts fade the gift of the gift giver

Wednesday 28 September 2011

From your pastor

Fall is a wonderful time of fruitfulness! I recently saw buckets of grape juice ready to be turned into wine at my local deli. A wonderful sight! Think of all the celebrations around the many tables of our community that starts with these buckets of grape juice.
Fall is also when we look to the fruitfulness of our children both in and out of school. Like a good wine our children need to be cultivated also to bring out their gifts.
I am impressed at the great care parents take in encouraging the fruitfulness of their child. From early morning band and sports practices to weekend tournaments away, we sacrifice a lot cultivate the gifts of our children.
Spiritual cultivation is essential also. Connecting the table of the family to the altar of Christ helps make sense of sacrifices made on the altar of our lives and draws us to the banquet of the Kingdom. Our faith bears much fruit when cultivated in our daily life.
Fr. Peter Keller

St. Michael's & Sacred Heart Faith Community

Friday 23 September 2011

From Your Pastor

I am so excited that things are coming together for the coming year.
Fr. Antony and I are back our to school visits. This is a source of
great inspiration for me especially since I have started visiting St.
Christopher's on Wednesdays. It is clear to me that the message of the
Gospel and the person of Christ still resonates with our young people.
Jesus is the answer, it is just sometimes we are too busy to ask the
question. Join up for Arise and take the time to ponder the questions
of life and encounter Jesus!

Arise Sign Up Sunday

I can not believe we are finally here. This weekend we begin signing up for Arise: Together in Christ.

Get involved.

Fr. Peter Keller
St. Michaels & Sacred Heart
(519) 344-2992 ext 23

Ubi amor, ibi oculus - Where there is love, there is insight

Thursday 22 September 2011

Article: Baffling CERN Results Show Neutrinos Moving Faster Than the Speed of Light


Just a few months ago Einstein was proven right that the universe is accelerating.  People thought that was impossible.  Now what Einstein thought was impossible is now possible.

Baffling CERN Results Show Neutrinos Moving Faster Than the Speed of Light

(Sent from Flipboard)

Fr. Peter Keller
St. Michaels & Sacred Heart
(519) 344-2992 ext 23

Ubi amor, ibi oculus - Where there is love, there is insight

Great Family Resource

The New Missal - for Parish Leaders

New Roman Missal for Youth Ministers - Word for Word by Life Teen from Life Teen on Vimeo.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Saturday 17 September 2011


Happy 90th
Fr. Peter Keller

St. Michael's & Sacred Heart Faith Community

Saturday 3 September 2011

Friday's Talk from Salt and Light

Here is the live feed of Dolan's Talk I posted last. It gives the real feel of the experience.
Watch live streaming video from wydcentral at

Thursday 25 August 2011

Window Seat

I feel like a little boy... A window seat and perfectly located. My big head will fit comfortably against the wall.

Our approach to Toronto.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Leaving our hotel

It is 3:00 am (9:00 pm Sarnia time). Hopefully I will be packing in 24 hours.

Our last time waiting in line

Only one and a half hour wait. Nothing compared to the hours of waiting during WYD.

2:45 am

We are going home. It is 2:45 am our time 8:45 pm Sarnia time. Hopefully I will be unpacked in 24 hours.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Homily of the Final mass



Cuatro Vientos Air Base, Madrid
Sunday, 21 August 2011

Dear Young Friends:

I have been thinking a lot about you during this time in which we have been separated.  I hope you have been able to get some sleep in spite of the weather.  I am sure that since dawn you have raised up your eyes more than once, and not only your eyes but above all your hearts, turning this occasion into prayer.  God turns all things into good.  With this confidence and trusting in the Lord who never abandons us, let us begin our Eucharistic celebration, full of enthusiasm and strong in our faith.



 Dear Young People,

In this celebration of the Eucharist we have reached the high point of this World Youth Day.  Seeing you here, gathered in such great numbers from all parts of the world, fills my heart with joy.  I think of the special love with which Jesus is looking upon you.  Yes, the Lord loves you and calls you his friends (cf. Jn 15:15).  He goes out to meet you and he wants to accompany you on your journey, to open the door to a life of fulfilment and to give you a share in his own closeness to the Father.  For our part, we have come to know the immensity of his love and we want to respond generously to his love by sharing with others the joy we have received.  Certainly, there are many people today who feel attracted by the figure of Christ and want to know him better.  They realize that he is the answer to so many of our deepest concerns.  But who is he really?  How can someone who lived on this earth so long ago have anything in common with me today?

The Gospel we have just heard (cf. Mt 16:13-20) suggests two different ways of knowing Christ.  The first is an impersonal knowledge, one based on current opinion.  When Jesus asks: "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?", the disciples answer: "Some say John the Baptist, but others Elijah, and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets".  In other words, Christ is seen as yet another religious figure, like those who came before him.  Then Jesus turns to the disciples and asks them: "But who do you say that I am?"  Peter responds with what is the first confession of faith: "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God".  Faith is more than just empirical or historical facts; it is an ability to grasp the mystery of Christ's person in all its depth.

Yet faith is not the result of human effort, of human reasoning, but rather a gift of God: "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah!  For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven".  Faith starts with God, who opens his heart to us and invites us to share in his own divine life.  Faith does not simply provide information about who Christ is; rather, it entails a personal relationship with Christ, a surrender of our whole person, with all our understanding, will and feelings, to God's self-revelation.  So Jesus' question: "But who do you say that I am?", is ultimately a challenge to the disciples to make a personal decision in his regard.  Faith in Christ and discipleship are strictly interconnected.

And, since faith involves following the Master, it must become constantly stronger, deeper and more mature, to the extent that it leads to a closer and more intense relationship with Jesus.   Peter and the other disciples also had to grow in this way, until their encounter with the Risen Lord opened their eyes to the fullness of faith.

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Madrid day

Today is my day for visiting Madrid. The city is slowly returning to normal and the locals are slowly coming out of hiding. The Prada and some shopping are the order of the day. Shame the kids are both broke and tried so many are just hanging at the mall at the train station.

Sent from my iPod

Breakfast in Europe

Boy I miss my oatmeal!

Monday 22 August 2011

Holy Toledo

Re: Sangria by the Meyer

That's meter! I think I have had too much.

Sent from my iPod

On 2011-08-23, at 12:58 AM, "Rev. Peter Keller" <> wrote:


Sangria by the Meyer

Mary at the Cathedral

The tears of St. Peter

My favorite picture many reasons

Trying to look holy.

Leaving Todelo

You shall not pass

Relax just before we realize we have lost two people.

St. Martin's bridge

Holy monstrance

Lauchie getting a great shot

The city of churches

Tojo river

Toledo is surrounded on 3 sides by the river Tojo (to Ho). It was an excellent natural fortification. Toledo was the capital until is was moved to Madrid.

Mass with apostle of the church Bishop Bill McGratten

Bishop McGratten truly an apostle of the chuch celebrated mass for those pilgrims who could not get into the papal mass. Here he is celebrating daily mass for us.

The lord's loyal page

Don Quixote

First non-pilgrim meal

Just 8.00 euros

Amun and Isis Temple

This was a gift from Egypt in the 60's. It is a 2200 year old temple.


You can't get there from here

Madrid's sub merged highways and endless hills makes getting around always interesting when the road you on walking on suddenly goes underground.


Opera House

Plaza Mayor

This beautiful square surrounded by a beautiful portico is a must see in Madrid.

End of the Pilgrimage

Most pilgrims end their journey with a visit to the Cathedral. They sing the psalms of ascent as they arrive. These were the psalms people would sing as they ascended the stairs to the temple in Jerusalem.

Sunday 21 August 2011


Here I am showing off my volunteer shirt I traded for.

All clean

My laundary will soon be dry in this heat. Notice the much convented volunteer's shirt I traded for. Cool. Now I can be in the hords volunteer who were friendly yet uninformed.

Sent from my iPod


Here is the water after a washed my pants. I better wash them again!

We really got dirty out there.


2 km break


Spiritual Refugee

I feel like a spiritual refugee with the masses of people leaving the papal mass.

Our view of the Pope

The strange joy of the papel mass is that you further away than you expect. We are in section E1

Good Portugal!

We arrived at our place at 10:30 pm. Safety, water, food and then getting to our place were the order of priorities.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Here is the gate we are waiting at.

This is the gate we were suppose to enter 2 hours ago. I think they might be waiting until after the vigil.

Sad we have been on the move for five hours. Rumors say that unregistered people have rushed our places.

The crowd waiting for no known reason

Dangerous, tens of thousands are left outside while no one tells us anything.


Four essentials

It all fit!!

I also remembered to bring my umbrella for the Madrid sun.

All set

My kit for the over night hike.

Towel/blanket, sleeping bag, air matt, plastic sheet, rosary, ear plugs, eye mask, jack knife, camera, cord, sunglasses, priest's pass, duck tape, guide/prayer books, cookies, flavored water, cheese, pilgrim pass, cards, binoculars, white stole, purple stole, little purse, map, water bag, hat, alb, cincture and finally the bag in all needs to go into.