Saint of the Day |

Thursday 7 October 2010

One Pastor-One Pastoral Plan

Someone wise said to me, "Good change happens immediately yet
slowly." I am just beginning to get my head around the task at hand as
we form one faith community out of two parishes. This necessary change
will mean sacrifice but I am seeing it bear fruit already.
Our cluster transition takes a big step this week. Our new phone systems
should be up and running to serve you better. Before now I had four
answering machines to tend to. After this week you will be able to get
any of the faith community's administrative and pastoral teams by
phoning either office number. Mary Ann and Pam will still be able to
answer the phones but it will be much easier to connect to any member of
our staff. This will allow our two offices to act as one to serve St.
Michael's & Sacred Heart Faith Community better.

Antony and I have finally moved our offices into Sacred Heart so
that the majority of the team can work together. I want to thank Cathy
and Joanna who have temporarily moved upstairs to make room for us. Next
month we should be finished with re-enforcing the main floor of the
rectory at Sacred Heart so that we can use it as office space. Soon I
hope to display some plans laying out how the office space could be
re-organized at Sacred Heart. With the input of our staff, I think our
architect has come up with some wonderful plans, that may even give us a
few more bathrooms for the meeting room.

Our architect has also become busy trying to figure out where the
rain is getting into Sacred Heart. After scoping the drains, he is
concerned that the water from the new restored roof is not draining
properly. We hope that removing the blockage will solve our problem.

Finally, we welcome Ana Maria Moniz to our staff as Caretaker at
Sacred Heart. It is wonderful to have her with us. She reminds me that
the church is much more than a service provider. The church provides an
opportunity for each of us to give of ourselves. Ana Maria like the rest
of our staff, gives of herself.

My goal is to create an Administrative Team and a Pastoral Team
which will create the place where all the faithful can give of
themselves so that we might realize the fruits of the kingdom.

Please pray for our Faith Community as we learn to minister