Saint of the Day |

Wednesday 9 November 2011

From Your Pastor

Joanna Giresi decision to leave youth ministry at the end of the year is one that has been in the works for some time. I thank for Joanna the great care and discernment that went into making her decision. During the 2010-2011 school year, Joanna shifted from her role as solely a youth minister at Sacred Heart to helping provide sacramental preparation for both parishes. I do not know how we cold have made the transition without Joanna.
For the past ten years Joanna has been a formative and direct influence in many young peoples lives. We can not even begin to imagine how she will be missed. I am greatful that Joanna has agreed to form and guide our Youth Commission as we begin to plan for the future. The Pastoral Council Survey listed "Youth Needs" at the top of the list and the Youth Commission will be instrumental in guide us in the Comprehensive Youth Ministry Model as laid out by the association of youth ministers in Canada.
We are commited to youth ministry yet I know we will never be able to replace Joanna. It is my hope that through Youth Commission, we can all take up the challenge to minister to, for and with our youth.

Fr. Peter Keller
St. Michaels & Sacred Heart
(519) 344-2992 ext 23

Ubi amor, ibi oculus - Where there is love, there is insight