Saint of the Day |

Thursday 3 January 2013

Looking for the Light

We begin this New Year with mixed emotions.  The tragic death of Noelle Paquette is a counter point to the wonderful celebrations of Christmas we just celebrated.  It the same way Noelle’s bright life was a contrast to her death.

We struggle to realize that the incarnation of Christ has implications for both us and God.  We are challenged to embrace the divine light of Christ in our midst while Christ embraces our darkness.

Even on the happy event of Christ’s birth the shadow of death falls.  The gifts of the wise men; gold, frankincense and myrrh are odd gifts for a child, but very appropriate gifts for a funeral.  They represent the best of wealth, art and science given to help prepare a loved one’s body for burial.  These gifts remind us that Christ is born to give himself to us and that we are most alive when we give ourselves to others.

Our faith does not ignore the darkness nor idly hope that the darkness will not affect us.  We have painfully learnt that bad things happen to wonderful people.  We instead we are challenged to embrace our brokenness in this world and raise it up to seek true justice and peace. I pray that in Christ; the light of Noelle’s life not be overshadowed by the darkness of her death for she lived and lives in light.


The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it.  (John 1:5)



Fr. Peter Keller

St. Michaels & Sacred Heart