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Thursday 22 July 2010

Principles for Transition

Our transitional pastoral council is begin to draft some principles of transition.  We hope these will be a good starting point that wil create a vibrant faith communtiy.

Draft Statement of Principles for St. Michael’s and Sacred Heart Transition Process

July 7th, 2010 Draft

1. We trust that the Holy Spirit will work through all of us to build a vibrant faith community that transcends even the greatest vision we could hold at this time.

2. We commit ourselves to the development of a transition process keeping in mind the requirements and needs of all the faithful in each parish, the Pastoral Plan of the Diocese and the decision of Bishop Fabbro in Parish Reorganization.

3. We approach dialogue reverencing each parish as equal partners in the building of our faith community.

4. We trust God will enable us to realize the common good.

5. We will approach the changes/challenges as opportunities as we co-create a new reality.

6. We commit ourselves to meaningful dialogue with all the faith community stakeholders.